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Sarah Caudill
Brian Newman
Vice Commodore
Ray Valpey
Steve Foss
Past Commodore
Shelley Conti
Michael Hamilton
Race Fleet Captain
Andy Norton
Assistant Race Fleet Captain
Ross Chamberlain
Past Race Fleet Captain
Chuck Hendricks |
Gordon Kells-Murphy |
Alan Riley |
Doug Andrews |
Liam Burke |
Appointed Positions
Fleet Captain - Cruise | Merch DeGrasse |
Membership Chair | Liam Burke |
Communication Chair | Kristie Brame |
Webmaster | Brian Newman |
Facebook Administrator | Linda Stryker |
Historian | Carol Jones |
Social Chair | TBD |
Ship's Store | Janet Sisson |
Roster and Records | Tom Hubbard |
Race Handicapper | Mark Harang |
Reciprocity Chair | Steve Foss |
Recreational Boating Assoc. WA (RBAW) | Rick Edel |
SARC, SS, USSA, PIYA | (See Racing Handbook) |
Des Moines Harbor Liaison/CAAC | Kerstin Hubbard |
Financial Advisory Committee/Future Task Force | Rick Edel​ |
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